There are two pieces of land of 199 hectares (cadastral key 13760088). And 216 hectares (cadastral key 13760087), totaling 415 hectares. You can bid separately, very close to the Pacific Sea, approximately 1 hour from the city of La Paz Baja California Sur. property with an excellent location and space for crops, warehouses, wineries, recreational areas, tourist developments, communication terminals or service plants. Each property has its cadastral key, you can purchase one property or both together. PROPERTY 13760088 HILLS NORESTE 1926.63 MTS, CON TIERRA DE USO COMÚN ZONA 1 SURESTE 1075.30 MTS, CON TERRENO NACIONAL LA CRUZ SUROESTE 1833.89 MTS, CON TERRENO NACIONAL SAN RAFAEL DE LOS INOCENTES NOROESTE 1041.63 MTS, CON PARCELA 87
Property Name TERRENO LA PAZ 3
Community El Centenario
Seller Financing Offered? Yes
Financing Bank/Banco
Lot M2 198
Lot Dimensions 1926.6-1075.3-1833.8-1041
Primary View Territory
Secondary View Mountain
Development Parcel 1
Industrial Site 1
Road TypeCobblestone Street
TitleTitulo de Propiedad
ElectricityDistance to CFE, Solar
How To ShowAgent To Accompany, Call Agents Office
The dry climate and natural beauty of the southern Baja region has contributed to it becoming one of the most popular holiday and retirement destinations in the world. La Paz has world-class golf courses and marina facilities, spectacular deserts and the incomparable Sea of Cortez and Pacific coastlines all within a few minutes or a few hours’ drive. The best places for retirement are also available here, best facilities and quality of life is also one of our many features!
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