This parcel is subdivided in four fractions: Fracc. B, B1, C & C2 with a total of 139.4 hectáreas. With aproximately 500 meters of prime frontage to the HIghway and almost 3 km. up to the hill. Fracc. B: 70-21-51-34 hectáreas. Fracc. B1: 1-73-45-91 hectáreas Fracc. C: 65-70-84-55 hectáreas Fracc C2: 1-68-75-29 hectáreas Total of: 139-34-57-09 hectareas
Property Name El Tule Parcel
Community El Tule-Inland
Seller Financing Offered? No
Financing Other/Otro
Lot M2 1393457
Lot Dimensions 500 x 2,800
Primary View Ocean
Secondary View Territory
Legal All the legal papers are in order so the land could be transfered directly from the owner.
Muni 1
Gentle Slope 1
Commercial Lot 1
Development Parcel 1
Road TypeHighway Front Meters
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The dry climate and natural beauty of the southern Baja region has contributed to it becoming one of the most popular holiday and retirement destinations in the world. La Paz has world-class golf courses and marina facilities, spectacular deserts and the incomparable Sea of Cortez and Pacific coastlines all within a few minutes or a few hours’ drive. The best places for retirement are also available here, best facilities and quality of life is also one of our many features!
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